Monday, February 15, 2010

Priority List for now

God, Family,  College, Friends,  Job, Management and Maintenance, Diet and so on.

These lists are sub-listed:

God- avail time, devotion, share, submission, humble, reflect and faithful, music team(practice)

Family-Maintain good relationship, converse, sharing, make them feel like I am with them, pray for them, advices and suggestions,  be part in whatever they do.

College- Tailored Jacket, models, get the 3 final designs for visual show, early classes in time.

Friends- Maintain the good relationship, make more.

Job- Respect Boss and colleagues, maintain good relationship, work faithfully, do the best I can.

Management and Maintenance - Time and money, status, dignity, save up financially.

Diet- Veggies needed, lessen noodles(korean) and fast food, fruits, lunch everyday, hot drinks.

So On...

Thank you for reading, God Bless.

Update Laters, Sing.