Friday, October 29, 2010

Shirley Boys.

Basketball, the game that i love apart from soccer.

For the past three weeks, i have been playing basketball almost every evening about 2 blocks from home, whenever i go there i get lots of people mostly kids from nearby school Shirley Boys School, they are free, joyful and get along with anybody.

They My Boys, awesome kids. Cracks me all the time. From the day we met, they keep on asking 'where am i from??'. They talk among themselves judging on my appearances, some say filipino, vietnam and combodia, even though i keep on adding my comment saying that I am Indian.

I am sure, the next time i meet them, they will ask me again, some of them with their serious faces thinking that i am playing around. Great times.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


This post has got to be random one, whatever my brain and fingertips have worked on it. For instance, i have this diarrhoea of ideas inside my head growling to be released, so it could be useless but worth revealing or releasing with no pressure applied from whichever side, at the highest point of Freedom of expression and speech.

I grew up in a small town Tamenglong, Manipur of Northeast India, which takes forever from any urban cities, for eg Imphal, the capital of Manipur, the nearest city from the town, roads connecting to it are just sickening, starting from the smallest width, dusty, bumpy and possibilities of breaking bones from collar to back spinal.
Tamenglong town is located in one of the river valleys, barak valley i believe, population would be about 1 lac or more. Obviously, the tropical part of the world, extreme heat, rain and erosions are at the highest level. Wildlife, not a dependable place for preservation, hunting/ poaching are still very common, anything that moves are not spared. It is surrounded by 6 to 7 villages , becoming the main center from selling to buying, transportation, educational centers and so on.

Enough said!!!

Now, this is about an incident where my uncle and I were attacked by hundreds of Leeches flipping their bodies wanting to suck blood. We were surrounded by these circus people, leaning on each other's back
, Kerosene was spilled on the ground filled with dried leaves, burnt a big circle getting rid of the leeches and the circus act that came with it.

For this, i had to talk about my town. Love it.